Office Version | Neighborhood Version

Christmas in Color

You've Been BOOed!

You must be here because you have just been BOOed by the Phantom Ghost or want to start a BOO reaction in your neighborhood or at the work place. Sometimes also called "You've Been Ghosted".

It's simple really. Print a Color or Black & White "BOO" sheet and include it with a delicious treat. Leave it on someone's door step, ring the bell, and Run Run Run!

If you have been Boo'ed, cut out the ghost and place it on or near your door so you won't be Boo-ed again.

Before long you will have a neighborhood full of ghosts!

Examples of "Boo" Bags

Do you have a Blog with lots of pictures and information about "Booing"? e-mail and we might put it up!


Must I Participate?

Nope. You should not feel obligated to go out and "BOO" somebody because you have been Boo-ed. Some people don't pass it on, others may choose to Boo many more than two. What you do is up to you. It is all in good fun and should not be a burden.

What "Goodies" Should I Give Out?

It can be anything you want! Cookies, Candy, Games, Toys, Stickers, Fruit, Apple Juice, etc. Some people make home made treats and other people give pre-packed treats. If you make homemade treats, there may be a good chance your hard work will go right to the trash since people don't know exactly "where it has been". Use your discretion.

Which Version Should I Use?

We have created 3 different "Boo" Sheets to fit your needs. The Color one of course requires a color printer and the black and white version is best for black and white printers. The outline version will not use as much toner or ink as the other versions. Also the outline version is good to use if kids want to color the ghost to give it more of a home made feel.

What is the difference between the Neighborhood & Office Versions?

It has also become very popular to "Boo" somebody in the work place. We have created an Office Version which replaces some of the words in the poem and says "I've been Booed-ed instead of We've Been Booed" compared to the neighborhood version.

The Sheet Will Not Load or Print.

To save the files to you computer, right click and do a
"Save Target As" or "Save Link As"
The files are in PDF format and you need Adobe Reader.
If you have problems, download the latest version of Adobe Reader.

How did this game start and why did you make this site?

We don't know exactly how this game was started, but neighborhoods around us have been doing it for over 20 years. Back then you had to make a copy of the ghost and they usually looked pretty bad since they were copied over and over. A few years ago we were booed and could not find a simple web site with the poem and ghost all on one printout so in 2009 was born! It has quickly become the number one site used to "Boo" or "Ghost" people with an average of 7000+ people a day using it during the month of October.

Suggestions or comments can be sent to

Looking for the Poem?

You've Been Boo-ed!

The phantom ghost has come to town
To leave some goodies... I see you've found.
If you wish to make this a happier fall...
Continue this greeting, this phantom call.

First, post this Phantom where it can be seen,
And leave it there until Halloween.
This will scare other Phantoms who may visit.
Be sure to participate, you don't want to miss it!

Second, make two treats & two copies from
Deliver them to two neighbors, try to stay calm.
Don't let them see you, be sneaky, no doubt
And make sure they put their Phantom Ghost out!

Next, you have only one day to act, so be quick!
Leave it at doors where the Phantom hasn't hit.
Deliver at dark when there isn't much light...
Ring the doorbell and run, and stay out of sight!!

And last, but not least, come join in the season.
Don't worry, be happy, you need no good reason.
This is all in good fun and we are just trying to say...
Happy Halloween & Have a Great Day!